Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lets return t the past,


Went out in the morning, reached lot1 late :b Alittle only la. But 11 is early la k?
Then trained t harbour front there lo (;
Went t eat and walk around vivo (:
Then head t SENTOSAAA!
Hahaa, i keep kajiaoing missmegha! :b
Walked t Siloso beach and went crazy with checkeng la :D
Then walked around the beach, cos i told my mother i wont go inside the sea alrd.
Then decided t go down abit. Then edmon pushed me down.
Thanks ah! LOL. Damn scared siah, wth.
So fooled around in the sea (;
Then they keep pull me deeper and deeper into the sea. Damn scared ._.
Then playplayplay. Funnnn (;
Buried aini in the sandddddd~
Then went t wash up, cos was really sticky.
Then went t the luge, but only aini rode it la.
We head back t the costa sands there. Had BBQ there (;
Hahaa, Was really boring at first but got really fun afterwards!
Fanned the fire, and keep kajiaoing jannat :b
Funfunfun! (;
Then after that legs got really tired and just went t sit at the poolside :S
Got really bored, and daddy came t fetch me back! :/
Really one Fun day with MissMegha. (;
I'll miss her alot )':

Had tuition in the morning. Then after that bused back t school.
Head off to mediacorp t watch the debating contest?
Damn funny i tell you.LOL.
Nth much alrd.