Thursday, November 11, 2010

One word reply from you seriously breaks my heart,

I know the picture up there ^ sucks alot, But i dont give a fking damn anymore okay.
These few days are seriously boring, i cant imagine living the days for like 2 months like these.
Jolly well bang wall and die? So werent in a very good mood today, so talked t joyceeeeee~
I love you laaa~ (; Hahaa!

So now, im accused of not loving you anymore? Okayokay, whatever i say doesnt seem t convince you. So if you really want t think that i dont love you anymore. So be it. Yes, its 1 year 4 months yesterday, and things went perfectly fine. I gave you attitude today morning cos of something that i really felt pissed about it. Im sorry, but thats me. One word reply from you seriously breaks my heart.You make me feel as though i am really an extra in your life.You said you love me, you want me t trust you. But you didnt even make an effort t trust me in the first place, how am i supposed t trust you, seriously. I did trust you, but somethings that you did really made me feel really out of your life. You insist that i dont love you when i really do, idk what else t do seriously. Anyway, im sorry for all i did t you.