Monday, December 6, 2010

I've overcomed the greatest challange, have I? :')

Hello people! Fking pissed with 才华横艺 blahblah! Ohmygod, I want the Romeotan!! Andand the xiehonghui or something like that the bah, their hot!! Not as hot as EthanRuan though. Talked on the phone with yirou just now, I think she got pretty pissed becos I was telling her how hot Ethanruan is. (: Spent my day watching his shows again, like OBVIOUSLY! Then got the 任我遨游! Hotshow too! Haha! Nice! Okay, crazy over hot guys nowadays. :x
Ohwell, got pretty pissed just now too. Life, hah! That's my pathetic life uh. (:
Byebye! Boring post~