Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pinky promise,

Hello. Im at cousin's house now! ;D
So cant go and meet up with joyce and jingan );
But in the end they also cancelled alrd, ^^v :b
Phone got spammed by melissa tan xian jie. 100 plus uh. Ji honoured yixia :b
Spammed some people also xD But alittle only, cos prepaid, bo lui!! );
Slept at 3am (: Woke up at 10 plus, Im so COOL. LOL,
Kkay, my mother is asking fr the com alrd.
Anwanw, everything is alright now! And im so happy!!! ;D <3

Editted /: I realised there is like about 6 laptops currently at cousin's house. most of them farmvilling -_-
&& Just returned from going t the market there. LMAO, dajie keep like want t bully Alicia ^^v Laughed till i stomachache. Haha, what a interesting family :b