Hello people! Hm, didn't update my blog fr a few days alrd. Because of the fact that my asshole parents took away the laptop. Hm, currently using iPhone t update that it basicalling sucks D; No picture, no anything. Have been rotting at the home the past few days and I srsly wonder how am I supposed t go through this whole holiday! Was bored till I watched strawberry shortcake and sesame street on Okto just now. Ohgod, I miss you! D; Haiz! P6 got their results today eh (; Hm, people scored not bad eh. (: Haha! I want t go out! Oh, FML! My brother is bloody irritating -'- kkay, shall try t update more. But it's kinda a dead blog though! Haha!
I love you hubby :') :x