Hello people! It's early now! But I think I'm going t sleep early tonight because of the fact that im going t Malaysia tml. Which i'm certainly not really excited about though. Because I will be missing you too much uh. Shall update about today (: Haha! Went t imm fr pepper lunch with aunt today, then went fr tuition, finally the last lesson eh. Head off t school after tuition and went t look fr Xinyi (: Bus-third eh :b
Then went t school and board the bus t jurong library. Hm, it was pretty cool over there, lol! Kranji's new book launched (: Si-ni-er! Haha! Yirou keep getting goosebumps uh. The video clips were quite awesome, lol! There is our group one too! Which sucks big time compared t others. The 超人也是人 one is awesome-ly funny! Lol! Hm, prize giving and all these then session ended at about 7 (: Daryl sang! Haha! Okayokay, so went out of the library. Isabel mummy and Daryl was snatching the chicken from me. Mummy got it! (y) Andand there was this RIP board, which is supposed t be the grave thingy in the play. Jiaxuan carried it uh, then at the moneymax there, got the poster of the Michelle chia and the -forgot the name-, so was totally LMAO lah! Then mr and jiaxuan took the RIP thing like how people carry the coffin. And basically alot people looking at us :/ Xiasuay, but funny! Haha! Then didn't know daddy waiting fr me at one side. So was still holding onto the rip thing. Mummy said all of u were sampat. Ohwell, interesting okay! ;D Waved goodbye t yirou and jiaxuan then left. Haha! Missed out the openhouse part ); As in, didn't manage t attend D: Sadded!!!
Okayokay, that's all fr today! Will update aft I come back from Malaysia! Don't miss me okay! :$
I'll miss you )':